In a world of smartphones, networking groups, and virtual education, we are constantly bombarded with new tools, apps, and services that will help us be better and more effective in the workplace. While some of those have the chance to work well for some, there’s one tool that no one is selling because you can use it for free: meditation. Want to learn why you should give it a try? We’ve listed a few reasons to add this tool to your proverbial toolkit.

It can aid in decisionmaking.
Making a big (or small) decision? Everyday, whether or not we’re in the office, we want to know that the choices we make are the right ones and will yield great results. So how does meditation and mindfulness help? On a biological level, daily meditation has been linked to changes in brain structure, including a thicker cerebral cortex and more gray matter. These parts of the brain have been linked to information processing and decisionmaking, meaning dedicating 20-40 minutes a day could mean the difference between the right and wrong decision in the workplace. The benefits don’t stop there - studies suggest that age-related brain changes might be off-set with regular mediation.
Concentration will come easier.
Have a tough time staying focused at your desk? Certain yoga poses can help in an office setting, but if you aren’t dressed for it, meditation can be a great alternative. In essence, meditation is concentration in practice, and according to a University of Washington study, meditation was shown to improve concentration in the office and can cultivate the kind of mindfulness that eases the distracted or automatic behavior of those who have trouble maintaining their focus.
You will be noticeably less stressed.
Quieting unproductive worries can be accomplished through short meditations throughout the day, and this practice has ultimately been proven to reduce stress. In the moment, meditation can provide a sense of calm, inner peace, and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your professional performance. Fortunately, these benefits don't end with your meditation session; this calmness can be carried through your workday.
Communication will be more effective.
Better communication is a result of the clarity and focus that meditation brings to the individual and workplace as a whole. A clear mind will communicate clear thoughts, and those who can listen, show compassion, and sustain their attention through difficult conversations will see the most success. Optimizing the benefits gained through meditation establishes effective communication between coworkers, and can keep the office running smoothly.